

73 Jahre der insgesamt 158 jährigen Unternehmensgeschichte von Arno Arnold sind eng verbunden mit der Entwicklung von Obertshausen.

Einen eindrucksvollen Einblick in die Jahre ab 1949 bis heute zeigt das

Werkstatt-Museum Karl-Mayer-Haus in Obertshausen vom 09. Septenber bis 11. Dezember 2022.

Die Eröffnung mit Live-Bandoneon-Musik ist am
09. September 2022 um 19.00 Uhr

Die Ausstellung ist geöffnet an jedem 2. und 4. Sonntag im Monat
von 14.00 bis 17.00 Uhr in der Zeit vom 09.09. bis 11.12. 2022.

Heimat- und Geschichtsverein Obertshausen e.V.
Karl-Mayer-Straße 10
63179 Obertshausen

73 Jahre der insgesamt 158 jährigen Unternehmensgeschichte von Arno Arnold sind eng verbunden mit der Entwicklung von Obertshausen.

Einen eindrucksvollen Einblick in die Jahre ab 1949 bis heute zeigt das

Werkstatt-Museum Karl-Mayer-Haus in Obertshausen vom 09. Septenber
bis 11. Dezember 2022.

Die Eröffnung mit Live-Bandoneon-Musik ist am
09. September 2022
um 19.00 Uhr

Die Ausstellung ist geöffnet an jedem 2. und 4. Sonntag im Monat von 14.00 bis 17.00 Uhr in der Zeit vom 09.09. bis 11.12. 2022.

Heimat- und Geschichtsverein Obertshausen e.V. Karl-Mayer-Straße 10, 63179 Obertshausen

Read more: Ausstellung

  • Hits: 3784


Arno Arnold - innovative protective covers
We are there for you!

The teamwork is crucial. That's why we attach great importance to teamwork, because we know that one person alone can only do his part. Only together things are really realized successfully. In our company, researching for ever better results is a duty for everyone involved in the process.

The will to achieve something extraordinary is both an attitude and an aspiration for our employees. For our designers, seemingly unsolvable tasks mean special challenges, which they meet with dedication.

We ensure that our protective cover systems meet high standards. With elaborate endurance tests and specific simulation procedures, we test the material, flexibility, robustness and travel speeds under the most extreme conditions in our test center. In this way, we and our customers can be sure that our protective cover systems will permanently meet the high requirements in daily use.

If you are interested, we will be happy to send you our corporate mission.
Please send an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


„Made in Germany“
"Made in Germany" was and is a term associated with a high standard of quality and reliability, and with which German products distinguish themselves worldwide.

The great care with which we produce our protective cover systems has earned us a reputation as a company with a sophisticated level of manufacturing. Our manufacturing facilities are state of the art and our employees handle the material and machinery responsibly. This results in products that live up to the "Made in Germany" label in every respect.

As a responsible company, sustainable management of scarce resources is both a concern and an obligation for us.
  • 1864


  • 900+

    Happy customers

Show Room

Our innovations
Arno Arnold completes the new visitor center in Obertshausen with a new representative showroom and the extraordinary company museum

Arno Arnold Video

Arno Arnold Presentation

Hessenforum 2022, 11th of May

Arno Arnold Video

Wolf Matthias Mang

Hessenforum 2021

Chairman of the Board HESSENMETALL
Managing Director Arno Arnold GmbH

NEXT TV Arno Arnold

Wolfgang Kräußlich

Chief Editor of NEXT TV
about Arno Arnold GmbH

ARNOLD Bandoneons

The Tango

A couple dancing the tango by leading and gliding completely to the music of a bandoneon builds a bridge to our products in an amazing way. The movements of the machines that set the beat and rhythm for our protective covering systems also create a symbiotic dance of grace and elegance.

If we have succeeded in contributing to the understanding of our work with this way of looking at things and with this website, we are very pleased.

Read more: we-for-you

  • Hits: 3940




Arno Arnold GmbH
Bieberer Str. 161
D-63179 Obertshausen

Phone: +49 6104-40 00-0
Fax:+49 6104-40 00-99

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EIE Maskin AB
Harpsundsvägen 197
124 59 Bandhagen
Ansprechpartner: Johan Öberg

Phone: +46 8 727 88 00

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Bibus KFT
Mr. Norbert Turi

Ujhegyi ut 2
HU-1103 Budapest

Phone: +36 1 431-9092
Fax: +36 1 2648900

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Premier Power Products Ltd.
Mrs. Vicky Budden, Area Manager

Radiant House, Cofton Road
Marsh Barton Trading Estate
Exeter, EX2 8QW
Phone: +44-1392 201777
Mobile: +44 7866 897352




Proflex Italia s.r.l.
Mr. Marco Monari

Via IV novembre 12/4
40033 Casalecchio

Phone: +39-051/6133167
Fax: +39-051/6119946

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Please inquire by mail for the sales partner nearest to you.
In addition, certified European service and sales points are available to you.



Do you have any questions?
Please feel free to write us!

Arno Arnold GmbH

Bieberer Straße 161
D-63179 Obertshausen
Phone: + 49 61 04 40 00 0
Fax + 49 61 04 40 00 99
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Isabelle Himbert,
Dr. Benedikt Himbert
Wolf M. Mang
Reg.-Ger. Offenbach/M
5 B HRB 2567
USt-IdNr.: DE 11 353 0620

Terms of use*

I have read and accepted the privacy policy.
I agree that my form details will be saved to contact me or to process my request.

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Read more: Europe

  • Hits: 11065







  • USA



Arno Arnold GmbH

Bieberer Str. 161
D-63179 Obertshausen

Phone: +49 6104-40 00-0
Fax:+49 6104-40 00-99

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Climb Corporation
11-5 Tomihisa-Cho
162-0067 Tokyo, Japan 

Phone: +81 -3(3226)0911
Fax: +81-3(5876)4976

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact: Mr. Masayuki Ebihara


Arno Arnold MPT
(Kunshan) Co.,Ltd.

No. 692 Depu Road, Zhangpu Town, 215321 Kunshan, P. R. China

Phone: +86 (0)1801315950
Contact: Mr. Milo Ma

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Homepage: www.arno-arnold.cn


PAAUS Corp. Ltd.
241 Beon-gil,9-1, Wonmiro
KR-Bucheon-si, Gyunggi-do 14556   Korea | Contact: Mr.David Ji

Phone: +82-32/710-1651
Fax: +82-32/710-1653

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Homepage: www.paaus.com



Do you have any questions?
Please feel free to write us!

Arno Arnold GmbH

Bieberer Straße 161
D-63179 Obertshausen
Phone: + 49 61 04 40 00 0
Fax + 49 61 04 40 00 99
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Isabelle Himbert,
Dr. Benedikt Himbert
Wolf M. Mang
Reg.-Ger. Offenbach/M
5 B HRB 2567
USt-IdNr.: DE 11 353 0620

Terms of use*

I have read and accepted the privacy policy.
I agree that my form details will be saved to contact me or to process my request.

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Read more: Worldwide

  • Hits: 10722



Arno Arnold GmbH
Bieberer Str. 161
D-63179 Obertshausen
Tel: +49 6104-40 00-0
Fax:+49 6104-40 00-99

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Arno Arnold GmbH
Bieberer Str. 161
D-63179 Obertshausen

Phone: +49 6104-40 00-0
Fax:+49 6104-40 00-99

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Isabelle Himbert

Phone: +49 61 04 40 00 33
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Dr. Benedikt Himbert

Phone: +49 61 04 40 00 90
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Wolf Mang

Phone: + 49 61 04 40 00 22
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Sales management / authorized signatory

Technical Business Economist
Jürgen Konrad

Phone: + 49 61 04 40 00 30
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Do you have any questions?
Please feel free to write us!

Arno Arnold GmbH

Bieberer Straße 161
D-63179 Obertshausen
Phone: + 49 61 04 40 00 0
Fax + 49 61 04 40 00 99
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Isabelle Himbert,
Dr. Benedikt Himbert
Wolf M. Mang
Reg.-Ger. Offenbach/M
5 B HRB 2567
USt-IdNr.: DE 11 353 0620

Terms of use*

I have read and accepted the privacy policy.
I agree that my form details will be saved to contact me or to process my request.

send it

Read more: Germany

  • Hits: 11292

Bieberer Straße 161
63179 Obertshausen

  • +49 (0)6104 4000-99

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Isabelle Himbert,
Dr. Benedikt Himbert,
Wolf Mang

Reg.-Ger. Offenbach/M
5 B HRB 2567
USt-IdNr.: DE113530620

© Arno Arnold GmbH